Looking for data? Explore our coverage maps and the geospatial resource links below.
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Aerial Photographic Record System (APRS)
Purchase raw digital scans or prints of aerial photographs from the Alberta Photographic Record System (APRS).
Airborne Imaging Inc.
Acquire new collect or purchase existing LiDAR from Airborne Imaging Inc.
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Access to LiDAR, historical orthophoto, and other free geospatial land surface data products.
Base Map Online Store (BMOS)
Purchase raw aerial photos, maps and orthophoto from British Columbia’s Base Map Online Store (BMOS).
First Base Solutions
Purchase geospatial data of Ontario with MapWarehouse, stream imagery on-demand with MapCast, and analyze data with VuMap, all offered from First Base Solutions.
Discover open data, applications, and maps, along with the tools you need to visualize, analyze, and share the insights you create.
GeoNB is the Province of New Brunswick’s gateway to geographic information and related value-added applications.
Purchase a range of products such as maps, atlases, and charts, as well as the GeoNova Portal, a gateway to open digital map data.
Access FREE aerial photographs and satellite images using GeoYukon from The Government of Yukon.
HxDR Data Store
Instantly download aerial data from the Hexagon HxDR Data Store.
Need help? HxDR Data Store Guide
Download FREE Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data collected by the Government of British Columbia.
Manitoba Land Initiative Core Maps – Data Warehouse
Resource links from the Manitoba Land Initiative. The Core Maps – Data Warehouse provides a broad range of provincial base map products.
McElhanney LiDAR and Orthophoto Catalogue
Purchase LiDAR and Orthophoto from McElhanney.
NAPL - Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS)
Purchase raw aerial photos and satellite images using the Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS) from the National Air Photo Library of Canada.
Newfoundland and Labrador Surveys and Mapping Services
Purchase orthophoto, raw images, and a variety of mapping products from Newfoundland and Labrador’s Fisheries, Forestry, and Agriculture Department.
NWT Centre for Geomatics
Resource links for a broad range of maps, data resources, and web mapping applications.
Ontario GeoHub
Resource links for the Ontario Imagery Program, Elevation Mapping Program, Forest Resources Inventory as well as MNRF Data Access Requests.
SGIC Public Orthophotos (Image Server)
Stream 2008-2022 orthophoto with ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro from the Saskatchewan Geospatial Imagery Collaborative (SGIC) Public Orthophotos (Image Server).
SGIC Orthophoto and Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
Purchase 2008-2016 Saskatchewan Geospatial Imagery Collaborative (SGIC) orthophoto and digital elevation models (DEM).